Autotrader Illustration Style

Blue City

Illustration style for Autotrader. Created to work throughout the entire product experience, from UI placements of the website and mobile app, to marketing and social applications.

These illustrations help to break up the images and text that make up a majority of the content on the site, and bring some fun, personality, and color to the brand.

AT Vehicles in color!

The style consists of three main elements: vehicles, people, and environments, as well as spot illustrations for placement within the UI where space is limited.


The vehicles needed a unique look and feel to everything else in the market. Utilizing a semi-realistic style that could help compliment the tone of the Autotrader brand and voice.

Mobile App Screens

Truck on Beach

Empty State Screen UI

Minivan at the shop


Mobile Screens


Spot Illustrations

Simplified Spot Illustrations

Technical Vehicle Exterior & Interior Illustrations

Buy Now


Establishing a character design style that was not overly trendy or cartoonish was tough to get right, but the inclusion of people helped to establish some humanity and relatability to the scenes.


Mobile app Onboarding Screens

Autotrader Mobile app onboarding screens

Mobile App Illustration



sign in UI


Background environments were created to help establish a setting for these vehicles and people to live in. Placing a vehicle in front of a dealership, city, or landscape helped to ground them further in reality.

Background Types


Natural elements

Spot Illustrations

Spot illustrations are simplified, and a more literal interpretation of a single concept. These images are smaller, and usually used for entry points or to represent one subsection within a larger group. They don't include people, or background imagery and there's less detail within objects.

AT Spot Illustrations

AT Spot Illustrations

UI Example

AT Spot Illustrations

UI Example

AT Spot Illustrations

Style Guide & Illustration Library

A style guide and illustration library for all of the various components within the library was also created. This would provide information on best practices of how and when to use certain elements, instructions on creating new pieces, and establish rules of what to do and not to do.

AT Illustration Style Guide

Figma Components

The illustration library was built in Sketch Figma so that designers across Autotrader teams could plug in and compose illustrations with the various elements where appropriate.

Style Guide pages